Practice Rescue
Practice Rescue
Crisis Resolution is our speciality

We are a registered provider on the ICB’s approved list of local companies who can be asked to take over the management of a GP contract when the service is struggling or has asked the ICB for support. This is termed “Parachute GP”. We have been approached in the past via this system and have successfully supported a local practice by taking full ownership of the GMS contract and working hard in improving the services delivered. We have worked with a practice that was given notice and brought it back up to a high standard which received a CQC Good rating.
Practices are invited to reach out to us directly if they need support or would like us to take a leading role in their own practice. We have an experienced team of leaders, trainers, HR and Finance professionals as well as clinical experts who can help if your practice is struggling. We can support in small or large ways, just contact us via this website and we can discuss ways to support your surgery.